Western Culture: The Power of Creolization

Creolization: Definition, History, and Relevance

Photo Taken From: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Esther-Jansma/publication/48322641/figure/fig8/AS:394204925710352@1470997186995/The-volume-and-direction-of-the-transatlantic-slave-trade.png
Transatlantic Slave Routes
(Photo Taken From:https://www.researchgate.net/figure)

Whether it occurred because of expansion, survival, or pure coincidence, migration has played a vital role throughout history. Unfortunately, one of humanity's greatest migrations was the Transatlantic Slave Routes. Despite the negative connotations behind this tragic event, the Translatlantic forcefully shaped the modern world. According to the book Tour de France, these African, East-Asian, and European migrations, such as the example seen in the image, created a blend of cultural traditions known as creolization. 

Broader Definition of Creolization 

Creolization: The Birth of Junkanoo

Junkanoo, The Bahamian Christmas
(Photo Taken From: https://www.tourismtoday.com/)
Junkanoo is one of the many examples of creolization in the Caribbean thanks to the Transatlantic Slave Trade. While it's predominantly integrated into Bahamian culture, there are other similar celebrations throughout the western hemisphere. Alas, to the Bahamian people, Junkanoo is a versatile event that's celebrated for a variety of reasons. Without it, The Bahamas simply wouldn't be the same.

The Origins of Junkanoo

